Welcome 👋🏻 to First Global Methodist Church of Cherry Hill (FGMC)!
Worship beings at 11AM and we’re located on 1995 E Marlton Pike, Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
Open Google Maps for easy directions
Who we are
Whether you have known God for decades, you’re skeptical about the church, or are looking to find out what it means to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, you have a home at First Global Methodist Church of Cherry Hill. We invite you to worship with us and to experience peace in Christ.
We also have worship services for Korean language speakers, youth, Sunday school, and nursery during the 11 AM worship service. View our different worship services below.
Also make sure to connect with us on facebook and youtube by clicking on the icon below.
Youth Group (1st-12th grade)
Sunday Worship
We know the teenage years can be challenging. We want to be a place where they love to come and are encouraged to grow in their relationship with Jesus. Youth worship begins at 11 AM and is followed by Bible study.
Saturday Night Fellowship (SNF)
We meet on Saturday evenings from 6:30 PM to 9 PM. At SNF, students are encouraged to grow in faith through prayer, Bible study, and fellowship.
Location: Youth sanctuary is located on the second floor of the Education Building.
Sunday School (Pre-K)
Children are learning important Bible truths that will enable them to live as God’s children. By learning the truth of the Word, a child can live as a child of God, experience God’s love, and preach the Gospel. In Sunday school, children take part in praise, craft activities, Bible study, experiments, etc.
Sunday Worship: Every Sunday at 11 AM Sunday School Room in the Education Building
Awana: On Break (Will continue in the Fall of 2023)
Worship in Korean
Learn more about our Korean language services.
Do you need prayer?
You can contact Pastor Don on his cell 609 412 2551 or email PastorDonMcMahon@gmail.com.
In the message, also include whether we can share the prayer request with others using P for private or S for share.